Monday, 21 May 2012

Photography Project Week One.

I have started this week a new project. A Challenge to myself to make me think about photography with more of a structure. I wanted to plan my photos more, give myself more of a chance to express myself a bit.

The idea is a Photo a day for four weeks, with each week having a different them which the photo must be based around.

Week ones Subject was 'Liquid' and this blog post is a summary of the weeks Photos.

 Day 1 - Water Splashed on the Boot of my car.

Day 2 - Glass of Cider (In a Carling Glass, how unprofessional) Taken with a pair of flashguns aimed at the glass

Day 3 - Water Bomb exploding on a paving slab.

 Day 4 - Suzuki splashing through a ford, remote flash at floor level.

Day 5 - Watering can into bird bath.

Day 6 - Fist to face. Mouth Squirt Colour Water!

Day 7 - Lowering sun by a Lock on the river medway in Yalding.

This concludes week one, any questions or criticisms about these shots please let me know. I havn't done any photography from this stand point before so I'd like to hear from you.

Millions of thanks,

Craig Matthews

Friday, 18 May 2012

Competition Prizes Have Arrived!

The competition prizes arrived through the post today!

I have had a few more printed different from the ones above, and if you would like one of them, they're only £5.

It only takes 2-3 days for the prints to get here, so pick a photo tell me which and I'll get it delivered to you.

Thanks for coming back.

Craig Matthews

Monday, 14 May 2012

Man with Stick

I'm fairly new to this world of sport, so when I was invited to photograph my brothers cricket match I managed to acquire enough knowledge to get me through.

Ok, so how Cricket works is like this. A Person throws a ball, a person with stick hits the ball and runs, whilst a person attempts to catch it. Simple enough.

Such a lovely gentlemans game. Might try and start playing myself.

Hopefully I can go again, and get some more photos.

Many thanks for looking.

Craig Matthews

Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Another sunset of pleasantness

First things first,

For the Competition Click This Link ->Here<- Or Scroll Down!

Now back to the regular blogness!

Yesterday evening Off I trotted to take some photos of the downing sun. I had a good think about a location, I wanted vast open land between me and the sun, so I chose a lovely farming area. Which a 'Farm Manager' quickly tried to shoo me away because he thought I was terrorising his land on my quad bike.

 That was the evenings antics, now let me show you a couple of the things I did during the day.


Thanks for looking at my blog, and don't forget to enter the competition below. It makes me happy when people show interest.

Until next time.

Craig Matthews