Thankyou one and all for looking at this blog and helping me reach 2000 views.
It means a lot to mean that you would spend time looking at a part of my life which I really enjoy doing. I wish to thank every last one of you individually, and please consider this small section of text just that. But I know some of you want a more substantial thank you. This next bit is for you.
If you answer the following 3 questions correctly, your name will be put in a hat, shaken vigourously, left to settle, and if chosen you will win a print of your favourite Thermography photograph. I'll even let you choose the size. Depending on the response to this, I may introduce runners-up prizes.
Question 1.
Which DSLR do I currently use?
Question 2.
Which DSLR am I hoping to buy in the near future?
Question 3.
Where and What year was Nikon Founded?
Answers to be sent to me via
- Text if you have my number
- Email to
- Message me on facebook
- Tell me in person
- Message me on here(If that's even possible)
- Literally anyway you have to communicate with me, you may do it that way.
One entry per person, maximum print size 24" x 18", closing date Friday 11th May. Draw will be held on Saturday 12th May.
Invite anyone who would like the prize, or anyone anyway.
Thank you again, and best of luck to you all.
Craig Matthews