Saturday, 31 March 2012


Good news people!

I am over a quarter of the way to getting my new camera, the Nikon D7000.

To you less than knowledgable lot, it's great because it has 16.2 megapixels, and the amount of megapixels a camera has means how good it is.

To you slightly more knowledgable lot, it has a far better and far less grainy ISO range than my current D80. Can do full 1080p HD movies with all of the lenses in my possession. 6fps with a 0.13s start up time. A 39 point focus grid. This one has a shutter rated to 150,000 photos, so will hopefully carry on working beautifully for ever and a long time. 

If you wish to help me fill my piggybank, please feel free to send money to me via my paypal.

lumpy_porridge @ hotmail . com

Just as an update to what I have been doing, I have been getting my attractive friendlings to be my models for some solo photo shoots. Once I have enough in my collection I will make a new post just for them.

As a taster though.

I entertained guests last weekend with a small night time BBQ. Lighting, BBQ, and a Lava Lamp.

Moon be slivering. Not my greatest shots, but to be honest, my friend was cold, and inside was warm.

That concludes this short but sweet update on some of my ongoings over the last little while.

Thanks for showing up, and see you next time.


Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Motorised Vehicools

This time I shall show you a few of the lucky shots of motorvehicles I have acquired over the last 30,000 shots.


Now the Piéce de Résistance, the rattley loud awesomeness of an old VW lump.

Because Air-Cooled.

I'm sure I've had more shots of vehicles, more admirable and awe inspiring shots, but these are a few I have managed to find in the vast archive.

This is one post out of many that I hope to do as a look back on what I have done.



Tuesday, 6 March 2012

A lunch break filled with delights.

Today, as I am currently borrowing the 400mm, I decided to go for a very short wander to take some photos as the weather cleared up for long enough for me to have some definition to my sky. I couldn't use a circular polariser, as the 400mm uses 52mm filters, and my polariser is a 62mm.

I started with a few shots of the strange shaped tree.

Now for something Arty.

Standing and wishing for a better subject than a tree, and look what flew above. The autofocus was going mad, and I was unable to steady the lens and focus myself, so I had no option but to track it, and hope.

If anyone could shed some light on what this bird is I'd appreciate it alot. I'm thinking Kestrel, alternatively a Peregrine Falcon. Unfortunately my ornathological knowledge is limited.

EDIT: We Believe it to be a Buzzard.

Thankyou for looking at part 2 of todays photographical antics. Please come and visit again soon.


Setting a Solarity.

After yesterdays valiant efforts I tried my luck this evening. Although the setting sun wasn't as glorious, I believe I still managed to capture it's essence.

Without further ado, The setting sun.



The Beauty of a sunset. Captured by me.

Thank you for checking this out.


Monday, 5 March 2012

Sunset over troubled industrial estates..

 A glance above the opposing building and I saw a glow. An incoming text tells me of an awesome sunset. I jumped in the car and hooned to a spot I had seen a week previous. Not even a mile down the road I realise I won't make it in time. I pull into a local carpet sales place, and assemble the gear.

If only I had planned this, I would have had some better shots. I plan to see some more sunsets in my days, so I'll get the better shots then.


Sunday, 4 March 2012

Lending of a Lens.

My Dear Photographer friend Andrew Evans decided I am trustworthy enough to borrow his Lens.

The lens in question is a Nikon Nikkor 400mm f2.8 VRII. This is how it takes photos.

I Wish my 62mm Circular Polariser would fit on this lens.

That's Right Nick, Just rotate it a bit more.

 Ninja Flying Death Kick!

Torn Hole in Jeans

Like A Boss.

His Scandinavian self is Content with the breeze up his bum.

So content he jumped for joy.

The joy made me so happy, that I Decided to Dance.

That was our short session of photography this weekend.

Behind the Scenes of this shoot available at -->HERE<--

Oh, and Before I Go, the 400mm f2.8 takes stunning moon shots.

Thank you all again for coming and viewing.
